PinnedDIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonfinding myself in HOSPITALITY: a reflection of HUMILITY & HEALINGLet’s talk about it!Aug 16Aug 16
PinnedDIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonChanging the Narrative: I AM MORE!Changing the narrative usually alludes to something unsettling or misleading, even a past instance that needs readdressing. And with that…Jun 16Jun 16
PinnedDIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonexperiencing discrimination causes you to feel INVISIBLEFor over a year now, I’ve been fighting the urge of being visible or not being visible, speaking my truth and hiding (disabling my…Jun 16Jun 16
PinnedDIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonCALLING IN white communities: PWIs, leaders, & teachers in Chicago danceThe underlying discrimination should not be overlooked or unaddressed.Apr 10, 2022Apr 10, 2022
DIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonCHAINS 2024I never wanted to be that girl?Jul 3Jul 3
DIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonUNLEARNINGHow do we begin to unlearn the key things we’ve been taught since we were younger?Jul 1Jul 1
DIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonLAYERSThere are so many layers to being in a position of what you deem as power or having the agency to make certain decisions.Jun 19Jun 19
DIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonThe Power of SILENCE: a double-edged sword.We’ve all heard of “silent killers,” right?Jun 17Jun 17
DIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonBOUNDSSituation: A potential friend put up a boundary between her and me, once we had a disagreement. She felt hurt by the truth I stated, but…Jun 17Jun 17
DIPR (deeper) thoughts. . . by dionna JOI pridGeonAGEISM, as a result of accomplishment.I think it’ s so unfair how people treat you, once you start getting older. It’s like any work that you did in your past doesn’t matter…Dec 30, 2023Dec 30, 2023